Friday, November 23, 2012

Always Creating My little space of heaven

Last Friday I moved. Its amazing how much stuff is accumulated in 18 months (which was when I moved last time). I didn't seem to remember having so much stuff for my last move, which means that I collected it or was gifted it. But, now that I have unpacked most of the boxes, have moved things from room to room to "hear" where things belonged, and have given away many things that helped others out but were just taking up space for me, I am able to sit quietly and feel the changes within... My new home (and office) is in the woods and is very quiet. This morning I was able to go outside early and watch the sunrise and listen to the songs of the natural world. The birds were singing, the cats were scampering in the leaves, Brutus was sniffing out mice and voles, and I was just breathing. Its a great way to begin the day, breathing and feeling un-rushed and grateful for the life that I have created by focusing on being un-rushed and grateful. I can feel my cells are adjusting to the new space, and I spent a few hours intentionally placing my stones, crystals, angels, and other symbols that remind me of the love that surrounds and interpenetrates my being. It was quite lovely and I feel as if I am all here now ~ body, mind and spirit!!

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