Thursday, May 31, 2012
First Sunday of the Month Gathering
Cindy Black, director of Meridian Massage Institute recently wrote “Qi is not linear, it does not conform to intellectual ideas, and it is greater and wiser than any one person. A simple premise with powerful results”.
On this thought I build. I build my own practice. A practice of sitting quietly each morning, checking in with myself, taking 10 minutes to connect my chakras (spinning vortex of energy) and breathe. This is just one way I practice going inward. This is just one way out of many that I know of to go inward. Going inward helps me to trust the energy that I feel and to be able to trust the information I feel when I touch others. Without this practice I feel “frazled”, “harried”, “anxious”. Once in a while, because of circumstances beyond my control, I skip or forget this morning practice, and I feel the difference and notice the difference in the way that my day goes. And then I am brought back to the reminder that I am important, that this practice is important, and that without it I struggle.
My practice is centered on gratitude, gentleness, and awareness; gratitude in my heart for the Qi that surrounds and interpenetrates every cell and every thought and every action; gentleness to myself and others as we make our way on this journey I call “life school”; awareness that we all do the best we can with what we know, and the more we know the better we do.
What about you? Do you know where to start? Are you interested in learning ways to slow down and go inward? Would you be interested in building a community that is also taking the time to go inward and who you can share your experiences with? If yes, then join me this Sunday, June 3rd @ 4pm. Learn an energy technique, bring a dish to pass and your own table setting, and an open heart... an hour of learning and practicing, along with sharing a meal (dish to pass) and conversation is what I offer. There is no fee, just your commitment to yourself to go inward!
In joyful service,
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Lessons, past wrongs, energy flowing smoothly, winning, losing, right, wrong, anger, frustration, revenge, and then finally balance. Sound tiring? It has been. The last few days have been a roller coaster, a big 'ole ride inside, hills and valleys of my internal landscape...
So here's my story. I tell it so that I can get it out, so I can share with others how I go inside and look deeply (with gentle, lovingkindness) at a life that I created based on choices made and lessons learned, and pave the way for others to do the same.
A few years ago I lent a very large sum of money to someone for education and home renovations, with the understanding and agreement that we would create a marvelous business, offering opportunities for spiritual community, education about the body, and hands on work. I was trusting and fully invested physically spiritually and financially. I was excited about sharing and growing and creating. The person I was partnering with said they were excited about this too. What I found out later was that if you have a feeling of unease, and words don't match actions, its okay to recognize the behavior and end the relationship. Sadly, when money is involved in the ending of an unhealthy relationship, it touches a core survival instinct and can be just plain yucky...
That's where I was a year ago. I had the signed agreements and the receipts and the statements and the repayment schedule discussed and the anger at learning that while I was investing in him, he was investing in another. I felt rage. Yup, that's exactly what I felt. Had visions of his body being enveloped in flames, and many many other nasty painful ugly thoughts. I sought justice. I filed a lawsuit and was going to hold him accountable for his lack of honor and integrity (blah blah blah)... Fast forward to the present... I must once again look at this because his "side" wants to move it from one court to another (again), which means more money and more time and once again another legal tactic to drag this out has begun...
So I cried. I screamed. I broke down. I spoke directly to my guides, my angels, my teachers, the trees, the rain, the creator and I surrendered. I am not giving up, I am surrendering. I am feeling it, I am moving it, and I am once again with the help of energy work, prayer, and the amazing earth moving forward. Thanks be!
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