I have made the leap into the 20th century (as Sara says). Photo of Sara and me below so you know who I'm talking about in the future.

I have ordered Road Runner and will now have internet access in my home (oh boy, this could mean late night blogs... get ready for midnight ramblings...). I will also now have TV which I have not had for the past 10 years. This is a "meeting in the middle" for me. The man I have been dating has TV and I have begun to watch NCSI on Tuesday nights... Bizarre how it seems to be addicting, humm go figure. I have noticed that too much TV seems to mess with my frequency and I need to have lots of quiet to re-connect to the present moment - the here and now. This could be an amazing test for me - learning how to ground faster and deeper, yup that sure will be a lesson for me.
My dear friend Carol, who is an amazing photographer, will be traveling to Scotland within the next few weeks. If you think of it, send her good safe travel wishes. Can't wait to share some of her photos of her trip!
So dear readers, tonight is New Year's Eve and I send you the vibration of abundance, joy and passion for tonight. I hope that you all have the opportunity to bring in this new year with someone special (even if that someone is a four legged friend...) and you take some time to say Thank you to the Mother for all of your blessings of 2008!!
Love, Laugh and Be well, J.
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