Thursday, January 21, 2010

Broom fell, company's coming

Boy it sure has been a while since I have been sharing my life with you. This is because my new website was being worked on and ~ viola ~ it is done!!! I am so happy with the site and all the new things that are happening in my life! Last night someone said to me, "you should write a book, because your life is so not an ordinary life". I was honored that this person who generally appears to be a black and white thinker noticed that being different was kindof cool... Did our conversation inspire her? I sure hope so!

There, now on to the company's coming... If you have been reading my blog then you know the story of Elizabeth. Well last week a friend and I had breakfast together and she told me an amazing "WOW" story. She said that my blog popped up on her phone to the entry about Elizabeth. She said she had never been to my blog, so it was strange how it just "appeared". Then she asked me if I was aware of who Elizabeth is... I chatted about how I feel that she is part of who I have been in the past and that we are very connected energetically. Then I described what she looks like to me, and my friend said "Elizabeth is my mother... (she crossed a number of years ago) and she (her mother) came to me and said I needed to tell you who she is because you are "not getting it"". Ooohhh, chills all up and down my spine, hair on my neck standing on end and a deep sigh. How cool is this! And It is not Elizabeth Hartquist, it is Elizabeth's Heart Quest. She is no longer "company" she is family!!!

Since that breakfast I have been seeing Elizabeth everywhere ~ in the mirror when I brush my teeth, in the hallway petting Brutus, standing beside Sam at the dinner table and by the pond looking into the woods. I think she opened a door. A portal if you will to another time (time is a whole nother topic) and I wonder who else will enter into my life. I'll keep y'all posted on that one!!

Thanks for reading and being open to hear "the rest of the story"...

1 comment:

  1. I didn't see her but I sure heard her. :)

    - Jaime
