Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Circle in the woods!

Getting aquainted with my new surroundings I have come across a place in the woods that looks like it is perfect for ceremony and ritual! It is a perfect circle where no trees have grown, surrounded by old pines and deep enough in the woods that anything other than "woods noises" can be heard. This past weekend My husband and sons cut me a path to the circle. This didn't mean cutting live trees, it was cutting up the trees that had fallen, it was as if the path was already there just waiting for me! So today I am gonna pay a visit to the circle and sit and ask what exactly she wants of me. What the woods would like to have as part of THEIR home! I can't wait to see hear what they ask of me. And then I am excited to put into action the information that is entrusted to me!! Namaste y'all!!

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