Friday, March 29, 2013

What did you want to be when you grow up?

A few years ago, I was interviewed by a local high school student because I was a business owner in the community. One of the questions was "Did you always want to do massage and be a business owner" and "What did you want to be when you grew up"? This morning as I send my stepson off to school the question arose in my mind again, but this time I was thinking of him. High school. So much pressure to decide what you want to do and be... I can't imagine having to go back there... So here is what I shared with the student a few years ago, and I share it again for all the high schoolers who are being expected to choose their life careers when their life is so young here on the planet... When I was a teen all I wanted to do was be a Mom. I imagined my children. I imagined how they would smell all clean from a bath, and wrapped in snuggly blankets. I chose names for my imaginary children. I even imagined one boy and one girl. With that said, I had my first child at 20. I often felt that I was looked down on by my peers who went off to college to party and live off their parents (my assumption). I had my second child when I was 27, when many of my friends from high school were just beginning their careers or starting serious relationships. During that time between when I had my first and second child I had a dog who had lots of health problems. So I got a part time job (on top of my full time job) so that I could learn about dogs and could better care for my own. When I was about 28 I figured out that I had some intuitive skills, I could anticipate what someone needed before they expressed it verbally. So I used that skill and worked in a small testing laboratory. I started out as receptionist, then took classes because I was interested in people so learning about human resources was right up my alley. After a few years I was given the responsibility of heading up the HR department. As the company grew and my children were getting older and really needing their Mom at home after-school and for chaffeauring, I stepped down from HR and worked part time, assisting the new HR Manager which was really a fun job. When I was 35 I had some very serious health issues so I began learning about alternatives that could help me get well without the recommended surgery and medications that were being offered by main stream medicine. Within a year, I was off all meds and the heart condition I was diagnosed with miraculously was gone. So when I had my car accident in 2001 it was only natural that I would again look for ways to help myself, and Massage was it. After attending massage school, graduating and getting licensed I started my own business. Again I used my intuitive skills, listening closely to my clients about their health issues and their needs, and started looking into further education. I have taken many certification programs and use all of them as needed. A few years ago I began wondering about teaching, so I started sharing information with clients about energy medicine. Balance for the self! As I continue to wonder about teaching, once again the Universe is presenting me with opportunities! This summer I am holding energy and assisting at Meridian Massage Institute and have been asked by my M.D. to sit on a panel of healers to assist in the shift of health care in my local area... So, as you can see, What did you want to be when you grew up, was really not something I could have answered in high school. I have always just allowed my dreams to come. Although it was not always easy, as my brothers and sister all have Master's Degrees and work "regular jobs". I was always the odd one in the bunch. Can I say I am happier than others? I don't know. But I am happy for myself. And that my friends is all that really matters... So high schoolers, and parents of high schoolers, lighten up. Enjoy the ride. Listen to your heart. And it will all be alright!! Namaste, Janet

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