Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Brutus is not happy with the weather man

Bru and I have been walking every morning...  Sometimes with friends, sometimes alone, but either way we haven't missed a morning in awhile.  Today, thunder is a bit too intimidating and it is raining and wet...  So, here we sit like the kids in the cat in the hat, looking out the window, Bru whining and me wishing again for sunshine...  Wonder what kind of fun inside games we can play? Good thing we don't have a fish...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

American Medical Association Council on Science and Public Health Report

This report came from the American Medical Association's Council on Science and Public Health.  It is important that we share this information so that we can feel healthier in our bodies, which translates into happier human beings, which again translates into happier families and communities, which one more time translates into a happier healthier world! Kudo's AMA!

“Beyond the issue of poor nutritional quality are methods of food production and distribution that have additional negative effects on human and environmental health. These methods have contributed to the development of antibiotic resistance; air and water pollution; contamination of food and water with animal waste, pesticides, hormones, and other toxins; increased dependence on nonrenewable fossil fuels (including fertilizers); and a food system that is increasingly vulnerable to accidental or intentional contamination. These methods of food production and distribution are inherent parts of the prevailing agricultural system, which is may be referred to as “conventional farming, modern agriculture, or industrial farming.”

In other words, it’s time to find a new way of doing things.

As part of the AMA policy resolution:

- That our AMA support practices and policies in medical schools, hospitals, and other health care facilities that support and model a healthy food system, which provides food and beverages of naturally high nutritional quality, is environmentally sustainable and economically viable, and supports human dignity and justice.

- That our AMA encourage the development of a healthier food system through the US Farm Bill and other federal legislation.

- That our AMA consider working with other health care and public health organizations to educate the health care community and the public about the importance of healthy and ecologically sustainable food systems.

According to the same Council on Science and Public Health report “Optimal public health requires a good, healthy food supply, but the United States cannot have a good, healthy food supply without a sustainable food system.”

Monday, June 22, 2009

I do believe the sun will shine again

Lots of rain this weekend... I remind myself how happy my tomato plants are and how happy I will be once the sun shines and ripens those juicy tomato's...  Just gotta keep remembering the sunshine.  It will come!  

On another note, looks like the first workshop in the Sanctuary is packed!  Got 30 people who have signed up for the Astrology workshop and Nance is moving today.  So, cuttin' it close, but have folks helping me get the space ready for wednesday.  Yeah!  It will be ready!

AND, if you get a chance, visit Nance in her new space on Main street.  She is in with BunApetite Bakery so you can enjoy art and yummies for the tummy all in one place!  

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Definition of Insanity

If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got...

This statement is screaming at me today. Many conversations in my little village lately about "change" but it is fascinating to me that those speaking about change are doing the same things that have always been done -- I hear "that's the way its always been done" and other cliche's.
It makes me crazy (eeeeeeekkk).
In my opinion (and remember this is only my opinion and not meant to judge anyone elses thoughts) our best bet is to all get together... Create community... STOP the madness... Do and think differently - it is safe! The Universe WILL provide! Lets NOT do what has always been done, lets DARE to be different, lets LISTEN to our hearts and remember we ALL want to be happy. Okay, there I have opened the door, peeked inside, and wow have I seen an amazing future - which begins right now in this moment!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Grouchy Ladybug

Went to my dear friend Eliza's daughter's kindergarten graduation tonight.  They incorporate a play with graduation every year, and this year Liza's daughter was the star -- the grouchy ladybug! It was so cute and funny and amazing AND it reminded me of how quickly time passes.  I saw the daughter of my daughter's babysitter and grandchildren of my friends...  Wow, is that dating or what...  Anyway, the moral of the play was to share what you have and there is plenty for everyone!  Yeah, I love that our kids, our future, are being taught this truth.  Let's hope that the concept and the seed have been planted so we can all watch our future grow.  Let's live in the truth of love, plenty for all, abundance, non-competition, joy and sharing, and lets impart that truth to our sometimes grouchy ladybugs.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Womens Symposium sometime in January 2010

Had a great meeting today... setting in motion the energy for a women's symposium sometime in January or February next year. Topics.. Matilda Joselyn Gage, feminist and activist; how the six nations influenced the womens movement and how we can learn from them; then a discussion on how to move forward in the world, not only as powerful women but as conscious human beings. Wow, I am so honored to be involved in bringing this to life here in Groton!!  For more information about Matilda, please visit the foundations website at www.matildajoslyngage.org.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Life is good ALWAYS!

Today in the Advanced ARCH training we are practicing radical forgiveness...  What a concept!  I'll keep you posted and hope to be able to share some insights tomorrow.  Enjoy the sun and remember...  To be able to forgive you need to be able to see your part in the event, maybe not here on the physical plane, but on the spiritual plane for sure.  

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Walking Walking Walking

Walked for about 2 hours this morning, what a great way to clear the mind and soul...  On the way, spoke with a few different folks who are so excited about the sanctuary project and want to help make it a reality!  What a gift!  One door closes another opens, and this my friends is such a true statement.  

So, back in the river I go!  

Enjoy your lovely day and remember joy and happiness are a choice and... we consciously create the life we desire if we are aware of what we desire and we can articulate it without blame or judgement, just asking with an open heart! What a tremendous gift that is to be awake and aware of!  Much joy to you!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Advanced ARCH Training

Tonight was the first night of our Advanced ARCH (Ancient Rainbow Conscious Healing) training and it was powerful.  This weekend we will learn how to identify cords...  Energetic connections from others to us, and from us to others.  To be able to recognize when you are doing it and when it has been done to you is such a gift.  It releases everyone to their own free will and allows for oneself to follow the dreams of the heart without exception!  I am recognizing the cords I have sent out and am disconnecting/dissolving them and removing those that have been attached to me.  Looking forward to sharing more later!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Its about the ASKING.

A few nights ago I watched "He's just not that into you" and it was very provocative.  Made me think about what it is I want and what it is I don't want...  Put me in the mindset of creating the life I yearn for (which, if you know about the secret and Abraham, you know that what you desire you create)...  
The biggest hurdle for me is that in the past asking for what I want has been met with resistance, aggression, and fear.  So, I have gently dropped hints and hoped that they would be understood... Guess what, that doesn't work...  People are not mind readers...  So, I decided to ask for what I want and trust that if it is meant to be, it will be... and if leaving happens, it happens, and the Universe knows (and I know) it is for my highest good.  Once again, here is that "radical trust" factor showing its lovely face and saying "jump, I will catch you".  And, I believe I will either be caught or learn to fly!  

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Princesses

The weekend was such a blast!  Felt like we were going to prom... dressing up, giggling, feeling like movie stars, and then the prom pics...  Our friend Sidney was our "chaffeaur" and she took photos of us for (of course) future "blackmail" -- tee hee hee.  So, here is the one that I really love and hope you all had a great weekend too! 

Thursday, June 4, 2009

1890 House Annual Gala

Tomorrow night is the 1890 House (in Cortland) Annual Gala.  I have gone the last two years and had a Fabulous time.  Met lots of people, had good food and got to dress up!  There are not really a lot of places to go locally where you can actually wear a REALLY nice dress (gown's are good!) and feel like a princess for the night.  Soooo, if you are looking for a place to "smooze" AND feel like a princess, join me at the 1890 House tomorrow night!  Hope to see you there!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Womens Gathering for June Cancelled

Just a quick note, renovations in the sanctuary and moving of Thou Art have made it too much for setting up of the Womens Gathering this month.  I look forward to seeing everyone again in July!