We have had many changes. As always, the first of the year begins with pulling my tarot cards and doing my Runes for the year. Then, I burn all my past year journals after reading them and giving thanks for the lessons learned. Then I set my intentions for the upcoming years hopes and dreams, and send it all to spirit on the smoke of a bonfire. Once done outside, I take the new energy in. I rearrange my furniture to shake up any stagnant energy, switch all my plants around to see who's happy where, and when that is all done, I sit with a cup of "hot milk tea" and listen.
This year's new year was a little different, though. We had to release our oldest dog (Mucca) from the bondage of her body. She had a week of getting ready, her whole family came to say good bye and thank her for her service and m she passed very easily. Ond our vets (Groton City Animal Hospital) allowed us to usher her onward with drumming, rattling and sage and say goodbye for as long as we needed to.
With that said, tonight I believe Mucca came to play. I had the other two dogs outside for a walk in the dark, and I heard them barking, then I heard 3 dogs barking. I tried to ma

Cheers to you Mucca, thanks for gracing us with your physical presence for 10 years and now your energetic presence for many many more!!
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