Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Personal Power in the pines

As I stand alone in the snow covered pines I am able to really see. See many things that are happening to those of us who are paying attention. I imagine its happening everywhere in the world, but I can only speak of the things that are in my own little world. Friendships are being dismantled, much more easily than in the past. New ideas about sharing, supporting, loving, and not taking things personally are happening for me and for many whom I speak with. In the past, if someone "didn't like me" or what I was doing, I would allow that energy to direct my choices and then I would blame when I wasn't happy. I did this with my parents, my partners, my children, my siblings, and my friends. I was not able to speak my truth with confidence, because I was not really sure what my truth was. It took many ouchy events to wake me up... to help me look at my own life, without comparing it to others or to society. For this I am ever grateful to those folks who came into my life to teach me about forgiveness and personal power. Power. That's such an interesting word... And personal power, now that is just BIG. Personal power doesn't mean being a bully, or hard headed, or stubborn, or closed minded. It means to have the guts to look at your own stuff. Look at the ouchies that may have been "unconsciously" doled out in my own learning process. I often times ask the Universe for help on letting go of the guilt associated with that learning. The way I do that is with mantras. This is one of my favorites when I am feeling guilt or regret... "I forgive me, I forgive you for getting stuck in the process of change and for not being able to see each other clearly". I use this one quite a lot. Another one that helps me to feel good in my body is "I lovingly release the past and all past experiences... I am free, they are free... All is well." And that's what personal power is to me. Its about taking responsibility... for my thoughts, feelings, and actions. And so standing and breathing and listening to the silence of the snow covered pines I do just that. I take responsibility. For my own happiness. For my own life. For my own thoughts. And for the love that I share with those who love me, and for those who may not love me in this place.

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