Sunday, January 20, 2013


Did you ever wonder about language? I do. This mornings wonderings were: How fascinating that there are only 26 letters in the alphabet, yet there are millions, even trillions of words. And those words combined in different ways create sentences and how many sentences create a book and how many books are there just in your own house? Lets take the letter W. How many words just off the top of you head can you come up with that begin with W? Here are a few that came to me as I pondered this morning. Winter Whisper Wallow Wind Whimsical Wonder Why What When Who Waft Wish Wedding Wane Wax Whore Whole West Without White Well Washed Whimper Whisker Wonderlust Ok, ok, you get the idea. Now, how many sentences can you put together from these words? A few? Lots? Hundreds? And how many of those words when you say them, or hear them, or see them, trigger an emotional response? How many are you attached to meaning one thing or another? Lots of them, right? Then if you think about that, maybe someone else might have a different emotional attachment so when you speak them them hear something totally different because they don't actually hear the word you are saying they "hear" in their body the emotional response they have to the word. Could this be why communication can often be challenging, especially if you are not aware of who you might be speaking to. And what their experience with the word might be... So, now that you have had a little "peak" into the morning wonderings of my oh so fascinating thoughts, I say ... Go in peace, and serve the words...

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