That being said, today I chose the Rune of Wholeness. The prayer that was shared, known as the Gayatri, which embodies the spirit of the Rune of Wholeness addresses the Sun (Creator/Creation). I found it most profound and wanted to share with you, so here it is:
You who are the source of all power, whose rays illuminate the world, illuminate also my heart, so that it too can do your work. While reciting this it is recommended that you visualize the sun's rays streaming forth into the world, entering your heart, then streaming out from your heart's center and back into the world.
Imagine of we all did this daily? Spent time focused on Love. The energy that would stream from us and the vibrations that would be created that would be felt by all! How easy would it be for us to change hate to love, war to peace, and unhappiness to joy? I am filled with hope every time I do this, and my dream for you is that you have the same experience. Till next time, practice loving kindness with yourself and all those around you! Janet
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