Saturday, August 29, 2009
Brave enough to follow your own path
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
As I sit here beside myself looking deeply, wondering is it worth it? Is my job here to experience the far right of pain, physical and within my soul and then left swings the scale and my heart is so full of love and gratitude. Must I have these challenges to see? I do see. May I always know how to decipher the messages. Are they in my head or do I reach out and pluck them from the vast experiences of all.
I ask myself, “who am I to you”? How do I know the answer? Have I always known? Is the coming and going of love a gift? Another chance to teach and learn about this most amazing energy and its different shapes and layers? How do I accept that love and still protect my heart? Do I practice living in the moment without regard for future consequence? Will it break me? NO! I am reminded to go within my heart, through skin and muscle and connective tissue to the covering of the heart. I explore this pulsing protective covering and I find I slip around to the back door. I pull the door and it sticks. I pull a bit harder and it is open and the light inside is so powerful I am left speechless. In awe that this beauty is housed within my heart, and all hearts. I must speak from my heart. This light full of color will be released and spill out on those who my words touch. So precious is this knowledge that I have buried it for years.
My reality is changing and expanding like a pregnant belly. That secret, that life about to be – not fearful, but active and ready. Contractions… this birth of myself. I am ready to be expressed.
Clear Messages
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Words of Wisdom from Grandmother Margaret
Monday, August 17, 2009
Who says you can't see a connection to other worlds
This past weekend there was a healing and psychic event in The Sanctuary. It was fabulous and the Ladies were ever present. I also felt the presence of Grandmother Margaret from the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers Council. The picture here was taken by my sister-in-law while I was "having a conversation" with Grandmother Margaret in spirit. Notice the portal to the spirit realm (orb) around my head. It was quite a "ride" for me. Enjoy the day!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Embracing yourself in all of your forms
Friday, August 7, 2009
moon energy

Seems to me many people I have talked to lately are being shaken up and their molecules are being rearranged... So last night I drummed with the full moon for myself and all others who may have experienced a little shaking up. Hope is all we have... and it is good!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Computer Love
By: Carol L. Hill
August 3, 2009
Scanning, endlessly; profiles of promises
Profiles of lies, dishonest intent. Some claim
Hurt has brought them here, some profess
They are looking for someone dear.
Non-intimate, an open bar room of tasteful
And tantalizing treats. Some claim “friendship“,
While they are professing the same to another.
An easy place to meet, to break and release…no faces
No emotions, no burdens of someone else’s pain to
No need for truth here, no need for man or women
Of any “substance“. Pages and pages of deceptive
Lures, lies, or at best half truths. Some married,
Some so consumed with the hateful consuming
Pains of past relationships…that any lonely soul
Will do. “She hurt me now look…I’ve now hurt you!”
Like an insane orgy of hurtful souls, computer
Love has gotten old. When true love is there, when
It find me…it will not be through the fake faces of
the profiles I read…
Computer love… nope, it just ain’t no damn place for a
Woman like me.