Sunday, August 9, 2009

Embracing yourself in all of your forms

Last week I experienced an amazing journey while receiving energy work from a skilled shaman.  As he was connecting with me, and the drums were playing I began to leave my physical body.  I was transported to a beach (Hawaii??!) where I was dancing to the beat of the drum.  Out of the water appeared a very large solid woman, high priestess is what I was feeling.  She walked up to me and touched my forehead (6th chakra, center for intuition) and she guided me to my knees and said "Daughter know thyself".   Next vision on the journey was dancing up a mountain with many others, all clothed in bright robes.  We get to the top of the mountain and we are at the mouth of a volcano.  I disrobe and dive into the lava, but it is not hot, just thick like swimming in a pool of warm bubble gum.  As I am swimming I dive deeper and come to water and then go through a passage way into a sparkling pool of water at the mouth of a waterfall.  I am absorbing the sun and feeling the cool water on my skin.  Out of the woods appears the high priestess from the beach.  So I swim over to the edge and she picks me up as if I am a kitten, by the "scruff" and she snaps me into being a snake.  The snap is like when you have a wet towel and you want to shake the sand off of it...  As I am now the snake and I feel the damp earth on my belly and the wet grasses across my back I come to a sunny opening in a field.  I crawl onto a hot rock and lift myself up and she appears again.  This time she snaps me into becoming a dragonfly and I am suddenly feeling the air currents on my face and hearing the sound of my wings beating and propelling me forward.  I am so enjoying this freedom when suddenly I am flying in the face of a shaman.  He is wearing an eagle headress and has whiskers and his face looks like a cats face.  He is studying me.  He whispers something that I can't make out and reaches up and grabs my dragonfly tail and snaps me like the high priestess did, and I am once again myself standing in front of this amazing not quite human being.  He reaches out to me and I feel as if he is worshipping me and honoring every cell in my body and he puts his arms around me and they become wings.  And I am enveloped with the pure knowledge of inner peace and simple joy that I have ever felt.  As I am incorporating that feeling into my physical body that is laying on the table, I come back to myself and know that all is well and I am free.  
Sound interesting?  It was a great experience that I can go back to anytime the reality here is not feeling peaceful and I can return to the place of knowing that we all have come from.

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