Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sunshine and moonbeams and rose colored glasses

5 days out from surgery and I am having dreams of getting up off the couch and walking across the room, opening the door and running in the field under the stars... Then I wake up and feel my heart racing as if I have been running... Now the sun is beckoning me to come play outside and in my minds eye I feel the breeze, smell the trees, and hear the birds in the pond a mile away...

Funny thing the mind... In Chinese medicine the mind rests in the blood. First time I heard that it was an aahaaa moment. So if the mind rests in the blood and the heart circulates the blood and all of our body's nutrients supply the organs through the blood than our hearts and minds are surely one... Of course this thought then brought another thought... And if you haven't guessed it already it was about love...

Love. The one pure energy. Have had conversations about this with many folks lately. Sometimes I think human beings get confused about love. I read a great quote that said romantic love and divine love are one in the same energy. Romantic love sparks the heart so that divine love can rise up... Then I think of all the loves in my life. And I think of those who have shared their perspective on love, with good intention "advising" that i take a look at my thoughts on love because they have the impression that I need to learn the difference (in their mind) of true love and romantic fantasy love...

So here's my thoughts: love, romantic or otherwise is a feeling. We feel it... In our bodies, with our bodies, and into our souls. I do not regret ever loving. I love 100%, heart mind and body. I know not how to separate them. Does love last forever? Maybe... But even if it is fleeting it IS ALWAY WORTH IT. Yes it means sometimes on a human level I may be disappointed or hurt, but the thought of living a life without feeling the deep intimate connection of another seems empty and sad to me.

So as my friend Linda says ya gotta kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince, and I might add, they all are princes... And we all are princesses (or queens, lol). We experience, we give, we receive, we enjoy, we grow, we challenge each other... Sometimes they move on, and sometimes, I believe, it's possible they stay around for the long haul...

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