Here is what I remember: Lillian "was talking" about her life, like it was happening right then and she said (or I heard?!) "We all have those moments that define and shape who we are and how we are in the world and how we are perceived by others. If we pay attention to ALL moments then we are always alive, and if we pay attention to some moments than we are sometimes alive, and if we don't pay attention to any moments then we are surely dead".
Because of this conversation, I have been (and this is really nothing new for me, but it is just stronger now) paying attention to the moments ... the moments of goodness, the moments of unrest, the moments of joy with my children, the moments of words and sentences spoken just before closing my eyes to journey to the land of dreams, moments of smells and sounds and feelings toward myself and others...
The other thing I have done (and again this is not new) is create an I love _____ box. In this box (and I actually have an I Love box for all of the relationships in my life) I place things that remind me of special moments so that when I am having a difficult moment I can go to the I Love so and so box and see, touch, feel and remember the reasons why they are so wonderful and the moments that we have shared, and immediately - like magic - the difficult moment is gone and it is replaced with an amazing warm fuzzy feeling of love and appreciation!
So, hope today you pay attention to all the moments in your life and take time to be alive rather than just existing.
YES!! YES!! YES!! Janet how have hit the nail right on the head for me as well. I Love___, how about you my sister-friend. again much love to you. Great blog!