Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Nice Girls

I have been giving a lot of thought to the term "nice girls".  I am reminded of so many sayings that were handed down like "nice girls don't do that",  "nice girls always smile and never talk back", "nice girls"...  With all of those sayings swimming around in my head it was hard to hear my own thoughts yesterday.  I had to speak my truth to someone whom I love very much and it made me very sad... and also hopeful that speaking my truth would open dialogue to where things need to be for both of us to be happy and thriving.  Before speaking my truth I had the nice girl sayings blocking the access to my heart and I kept feeling like... well if I were a "nice girl" I would wait and see how it goes, I would close my mouth because speaking may make this person whom I love very uncomfortable and I make have to take the risk of losing them.  But, if I kept being the nice girl and saying "everythings okay, I can wait till you make a decision" then I would continue to feel frustrated and edgy.  So I decided to make a new "nice girl" saying to replay and it is this:  "nice girls" always speak their truth and allow others to speak their truth also, even if someone else may be unhappy with the truth as I see it.  
There, now its out in the universe and it can breathe (and I can too!!).


  1. Hi Nance,
    You know I don't have a problem communicating with you! You're easy!! I am so going to miss your presence here, but am sending you off with love and intentions for much success!
