Monday, September 21, 2009

Life is Good ALWAYS!

sometimes ya' just gotta say YES!  Been going through some changes and had a pre-conceived notion that family would be freakin' out, but they have really surprised me!  They are all very supportive!  Sara has been coming to my new place of residence every day - having dinners together with the new ones in our life, and really enjoying the conversations.  

Speaking of conversations...  The most recent one I have been having with myself is this:  step-parenting...  what a new space for me to be in...  I am so seeing what my ex-husband went through with navigating the waters between being a surrogate parent and not over-stepping the boundaries already in place.  It is quite interesting and fun and trying sometimes.  We all have such differing views of child rearing and I am one to admit I was not perfect as a parent and when I was tired it was easy to just give in and not realize the consequences of the giving in.  
Parenting taught me alot about control...  Trying to control another person, whether they are your child, somebody elses child, friend or family member -- it just is a waste of energy.  The only one that you actually have control over (and sometimes you don't even have this since Universal law just happens to throw curve balls) is yourself.  So again I am reminded to drop the control - pay attention to my feelings as they are the navigational tool that has been given to us to keep us on the path of joy - and ride the waves!

This journey is a joy!  I am full of gratitude for the visions and experiences that I am taking part in at this point in my life, and I look forward to many many more!

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