Tuesday, December 29, 2009

First Session at Fall Creek Healing Center

As the guys were doing the finishing up in the bathroom and trimming out the window and door, I was energetically preparing for my first session in this beautiful new space! As we (me and my client) were doing the intake I felt a cool breeze and out of the corner of my eye I "saw" one of my "ladies" walking up the stairs into the office area, door slightly closed and it was my cue that all was well! The session was amazing (per my clients feedback) and as she was leaving I turned off the CD player and began to leave the room and go into the office. As I went to shut the door to the healing room ~ vrooommmm... CD player turned on LOUDLY! As I walked over to it to turn it off, it shut off and I knew the healing room had been christened ~ FALL CREEK HEALING CENTER ~ Let the Healing Begin!!

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