Enjoy your day! Janet
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Spring... Maybe
Just got back from a 5 mile walk... The birds were so very happy this morning AND the flowers are really out! Beauty is all around and so ready to be expressed. My hope is that everyone takes an opportunity today to go outside, take a deep breath, and say "Thanks". Thanks for the birds, the flowers, the soft breeze, the bells in Groton (which by the way were playing "Hey Jude" by the Beatles this morning and I was singing along!), their children (including pets), their friends and relatives (even the ones that may make you want to pull your hair out), the gift of clear skies today and the almost 50 degree weather!!! I know Mother Nature teased us a few weeks ago, but it feels like Spring is really here and I for one am ready for it!
Monday, March 30, 2009
UCLA Study about Women's Friendships
My dear sister friend Jackie sent me an interesting study done by two UCLA research professors. Laura Cousino Klein, Ph.D. and Assistant Professor of Biobehavioral Health at Penn State University has documented how when women get stressed they release the hormone oxytocin as part of their stress response. It buffers the fight of flight response and encourages her to tend children and family and gather with other women instead. When a women engages in this tending or befriending behavior more oxytocin is released which further counters stress and produces a calming effect. The study states that this calming effect does not occur in men because of testosterone which men produce in high levels when they are under stress.
This information makes me wonder... I know many men who reach out to their friends for stress relief and I know many women who shut down when under stress... Could this study be only partly correct (left brained so to speak?). Maybe if as a society we begin to encourage our children to talk things out, and praise them for finding peaceful solutions to problems on the playground, we would begin to see, hum, I don't know, maybe more friendship (male and female) based on love and caring.
So my thought is this - lets thank Mother Nature for our wonderful hormones that naturally occur in our amazing bodies, AND lets create ways in society that mimic the behavior that the hormones promote so that we get the benefits from environment and society. What do ya say, are you in?!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Black and White

I thought I'd share this photo of Boris and Brutus - Black and White. This theme has been coming up a lot lately. We discussed it at our ARCH (Ancient Rainbow Conscious Healing) Certification training last weekend. And I was discussing it again with my friend this morning. Hope you enjoy the photo and play with the different ideas about black and white that you may have! Enjoy the weekend, and if you are going to the Maple Festival - don't forget to wear a raincoat!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Three generations

I got some photos of Sara's graduation in June and one of the photos was of me, my mom, and Sara (don't we look cute...) It got me thinking about the three generations. How my Mother's generation was given the belief that they were to get married, have babies and take "good care" of their husbands. My Mom told me many stories of her best friend in school (My Aunt Joan) who didn't want what everyone else wanted. She was "brainy"... She ended up going to an all boys college - one of the first women to be accepted - and became the first woman CEO of UPS. She is an amazing woman and I have been priveledged to call her Aunt. Women like Aunt Joan paved the way for my generation to have more choices... Even with more choices we (and of course I am generalizing and this does not include everyone...) are venturing out into the world to make our mark and have careers, but we are also still trying to have babies and "take care" of our husbands / partners, and forgetting to take care of ... you guessed it - US! I believe this way of being to be a collective memory that we are working hard to change through love and gentleness to ourselves (yeah!).
Now I look at my daughter. She is so far ahead of where either me or my mom were at her age. She understands that its okay to ask for what she wants, and its even better to ask and gratefully receive. I have been fortunate to be part of her life, and also the lives of her friends. She has chosen well. She is happy. She is "awake". It is the only thing I every really wanted... happiness "awakeness" for her (and my Son), for me and for my mother - three generations "out in space" (tee hee).
Can't wait (ahh, let me rephrase that - I CAN wait...) for the next generation. They will be so "light" and "tuned in" if we the elders continue to put out the energy of love and compassion and permission to be who you are - no matter who that is! And so, I signoff today with wonder and curiosity and hope... doing my part to pass down / hand off / give to the beings coming after me.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Orbs, voices and being a good guest

I received the audio clips from Syracuse Paranormals and WOW it was amazing! Sounds like there are a number of spirits here that I was not aware of... One voice sounded like a little girl and one sounded like either a man, or a woman with a deep voice. Two of the voices sounded like they had accents from another country, which of course could be the workers that had Dutch descent. Along with the voices I have been gifted a number of photos from the Womens Gathering that we had at the church with the Grandmothers.
If you look to the top left of the photo you will see three orbs.
The ladies were happy to have the gathering that day!! They are also happy that we will be using the sanctuary for more gatherings in the future. It is the perfect sacred place to have commitment ceremonies, anniversaries, receptions, family gatherings, and so much more. The stained glass is filled with flowers and sacred geometry and it just feels so full of love! Anyway, I ramble... The long and short of this blog is that I am a guest here at 111 Church Street, and I am collecting much data that supports that statement!! Enjoy the long awaited sunshine today and keep an eye open for more info on these spirits around the end of April!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday while taking a walk I saw the most beautiful cardinal and listened to his song for quite a long time. I kept singing it in my head all afternoon... Cheerful and bright!
This morning while sitting on my back "veranda" which overlooks the most beautiful asian garden (Jeremiah Donavan's back yard) I watched a pair of cardinals "dance". The female would fly away, the male would follow, she would turn her back, he would fly around her to get her attention. Finally, I felt like she "allowed" him into her domain. It even seemed like her body softened a bit and they finally flew off together. It seemed to be very important for me to see this... I, of course, had to look up Cardinal in my Animal-Speak book (written by Ted Andrews) because two days in a row they made such an impression on me....
Here is the long and short of cardinal totems: Cardinals show up to reflect lessons in developing and accepting a new sense of your own true self-importance. They remind us that we always have an opportunity to renew our vitality and recognize the importance of our own life roles. They also remind us to add color to our lives and to be conscious that everything we do is of importance.
The Cardinal felt like a message so I just had to pick a rune to see what they would tell me today... I got "the self" and the big message I heard was "live an ordinary life in an extra-ordinary way". I feel like I do this very well. Hummm, maybe someone is trying to tell me something? Feels to me like I am on the right track! Yeah!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Cortland High School Teachers In-Service
Friday was a very busy day for me. I was at the high school at 6:30 am setting up for sharing information with teachers and administrators about essential oils, stress reduction, and reflexology. Then at noon they were able to experience a 10 minute foot massage and choose a lotion that fit their needs for the time being. I used the essential oil cocktails as an example of fun and therapeutic for essential oils and how you can blend an amazing scent and have the therapeutic properties assist in health related issues... I even had one woman share that the love lotion #9 reminded her of her grandma's kitchen and she was right back there sharing that amazing feeling of being with her grandma immediately while smelling the lotion. Powerful thing our olfactory nerve and scent triggered memories...
The rest of Friday was spent preparing for the first night of the ARCH certification workshop that is happening this weekend here in the church. ARCH (Ancient Rainbow Conscious Healing) is considered a quantum leap beyond Reiki. Some folks are taking the workshop for their own healing and some of us (like me) are therapists who will be able to offer this healing modality to our clients. I am excited to have this in my "tool bag" and I will share more about this healing art once I have completed the certification training.
Enjoy the snow this morning and be prepared for surprises!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Groton Business Association meeting at Benn Conger Inn
Last night the GBA (Groton Business Association) had their member meeting which we do every other month. We had a great turn out (22) and lots of great information was shared. We had two guests, from Work Force New York. They shared many of the programs that are available and it felt good to know that there are things available for our local kids to receive job training and mentoring! They also shared some tax benefits for business who employ their clients. I am going to look into the youth program for help building my raised medicinal herb garden this summer. Everyone wins, I get the help I need and some lucky youth gets the experience they may need to be employed at one of our local landscaping businesses!
The other new opportunity for local businesses is to be interviewed by a lovely young woman named Abby who works for the Learning Web, and will interview GBA members and write up short "bio's" that will be listed on our new website - YES, I said NEW GBA WEBSITE!!
Keep your eyes open for much news about GBA in the near future!
Live, Love and Laugh,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A dollar and a dream
For the past six months I have been "dreaming" a new vision for Groton with an amazing young man named Jeff Toolan. He was raised here in Groton and has a tremendous love for our community. After high school, Jeff went to college and gained much knowledge... not just book knowledge but his heart, fortunately open, helped guide him to the knowledge of the first peoples of our world and how the planet (our mother earth) operates and what it needs to survive for our future generations. With this knowledge and passion he has searched out (some might say he was a magnet for good!) alternative ways of being and seeing. We both got to enjoy the Grandmothers while they were here and he was so inspiring to me with his vast knowledge and understanding of the indigenous world and human rights, etc... He has been a successful entrepreneur in California, has spent time in Switzerland and has traveled the world picking up the resources he needs to come back to Groton and move us into the next century...
It never ceases to amaze me how the Universe works, because much to my good fortune, my son was Jeff's brothers best friend in high school so I got to know Jeff a little bit when he was younger and this created the energetic connection for the future. Without this connection I am not sure that we would have met. We don't travel in the same circles, he is much younger, has many different interests, and doesn't even live here full time. BUT, we do have the energy of Groton running through our veins (so to speak) and we wish only the highest good on all of her inhabitants! I guess that's enough -- kind of like "a dollar and a dream"... I'll keep y'all posted as we move closer to the dream!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Floorcloth Class at Thou Art Gallery
Last night at Thou Art Gallery, which is located here in the sanctuary, I took my first real art class. We got to be creative, while still have some structure and guidance. My floorcloth was quite psychodelic which surprised Nance, but it seemed to just "pour" out of me onto the canvas... What joy! I never realized how therapeutic painting can be. I could see where this could be addictive for me... (good thing Nance is planning on offering lots of classes this year!!). We may even have a "gallery" opening at the smart monkey cafe in Ithaca - now that would be too cool for words - art and great food! What a combination!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Saturday morning poetry
The year after my divorce (almost three years ago now) I was "coaxed" into joining a poetry writing group. I was very unsure and insecure but through kind words and patient poets I began to explore another side of myself. We spent every saturday morning writing poetry. To give you a little background on the group, many of the women were "learned poets", women who had been trained in college and had taken many writing courses and had written poetry for many years. This fact was very daunting for me, but courageously I attended and began to see that I loved writing poetry. Poetry helped me to survive the first year of being single. I had been married for many years and didn't even know how to not be married. How to think of myself without having to consider if someone else would be happy with what I wanted. I think it was the first time in my entire 40 years on this earth that I was not responsible for another human being (husband, children, parents, etc...) and I was really scared. Poetry, and the group experience of writing and sharing, helped me work through many fears, and explore dreams and desires that I didn't even know existed... The group ended about a year ago, with two of our members moving out of state, it left only two of here in Groton and we had busy lives and couldn't find the time to get together regularly...
So, when Karen told me that Suzanne was back in town this weekend, I was jumping for joy. The three of us were going to write poetry again! What a joy. I love these women and they "get me"... I never have to worry that I will shock or surprise them with the words that form my poems. They are creative, loving and amazing and I am happy happy happy!!!
Here are two of the poems that came through me this morning:
Innocent path lined with purples, reds and greens
Solitude unlike isolation escapes the cracking mirror.
Given to her as a child, laziness prevents the movement forward
tricking some into adulthood.
The tape, fast forward, illuminates the unknown
Protected from the fascade of "have's"
She wanders away propelled by the cool breeze
coaxing her to the edge, the doorway to adventure.
In the smoke filled room, she moves easily through the crowd.
Her truth, like the notes, escape
as she moistens her ruby red lips revealing the story.
The depth expressed in the clear quartz eyes.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Past Life Regression and George Thorogood
Yesterday, Barbara Coman, Ph.D. was here doing past life regression sessions. I have heard back from two of the four clients that experienced this work and WOW they were amazed. I am planning on asking her back again next month, so if you are interested in a session please contact me and let me know what days are best for you so that I can have Barbara here when it best suits all those who wish to participated.
On another note, Sidney Renee and I went to the George Thorogood concert at the state theatre last night... It was AMAZING!! What energy that man has - and his band was great too! After about 1/2 hour of chair dancing we decided to stand in the back row and dance the rest of the evening away!! It felt like being 17 again... And this morning I am reminded that I am really 45 and may want to reconsider dancing all night on a work night. Nahhh, I would do it again in a heartbeat!!
Enjoy your day and dance!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Psychic (metaphysical) Fair during Groton Olde Home Days
I have been thinking about doing a metaphysical "fair" / "festival" during Groton Olde Home Days. Groton has been having Olde Home Days for many years and it has been talked about in the "rumor mill" of the small town that we need to spice it up. I believe that having this type of festival will be fun and also informative to many community members and those surrounding communities. My idea is that there be a few "fortune tellers" to do psychic readings, someone doing intuitive painting or henna tattoos, offer Reiki or ARCH healings, tarot card readings, etc.
If anyone has any ideas or would like to participate please let me know!! I think this could be a very interesting Olde Home Days indeed!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
The Words you Speak - last a lifetime...
Yesterday as I was doing my grocery shopping I was standing behind a young woman who had two children (who were obviously tired and did NOT want to be there)... I was trying not to eaves drop (which is of course very hard to do when standing behind someone). But.... I did. The Mom seemed frustrated and out of sorts. I remembered those days when my kids were little and there was so much to do and I didn't think I could take even one minute to stop and breath or life would fall apart (ahha - limiting belief # 999...). As I was remembering I felt compelled to open my mouth (hummm does that really surprise anyone??!). Out came the words - "you may want to consider taking a deep breath, it really does get better"... Of course she gave me a look that could pierce an icy heart, but I touched her arm and took a deep breath, and I think without thinking about it her body responded and she took a deep breath too... Her kids were looking at me like I was from another planet, but to her amazement they stopped bickering for a moment and laughed. Genuine laughter. The wrinkled eye brows of the Mom seemed to melt away. She looked at her children as if they were the most beautiful creatures in the world (which is so true of all children). Of course we carried on a little conversation and as she left the store I watched her. She was not rushing but pushing the cart slowly and talking to her children (not yelling!). I thought to myself, how easy it would be here on this earth if we all took a moment when we notice someone struggling and share some kindness. Didn't cost anything, didn't even take a lot of time. But it did take stepping out of a comfort zone which has been given to us by society which tells us to stay out of things, etc. I hope that my one small gift of kindness to that young Mom makes a difference to her, which in turn will make a difference to her children, and so on... Good reminder to be the light you wish to see in the world and practice loving kindness at every opportunity!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Paranormal Activity in Groton
Last night, Syracuse Paranormals sent a team to investigate the "sightings" here. We brought Bru to Sidney's for a "sleepover" and then came back to get ready for the evenings festivities!
It was fascinating to watch the team of "ghost busters" setup and to go through the process with them.
The team was split into two groups, men and women separated. Jeff went with the men so that he could help them find their way in the space... upstairs in the bell tower and in the basement, etc... The team of women, which I was permitted to be part of along with my friends Kat and Eliza, went into the living area of the church. We all got to ask the spirits questions. During the questioning session it sounded like we heard a "hello", but we will have to wait and see what comes about when they review everything. There were lots of "cold" spots in some of the rooms and one of the women felt like something touched her hand. We also smelled "funeral flowers" in the basement and upstairs in my room.
At one point it looked to me like there were tons of orbs going across the cameras, but they let me know that it was only dust particles (I told those silly dust bunnies to make themselves scarce..) that the camera was picking up (how sensitive is that camera??!). It will take them about 2 weeks to go over all the footage, including video, sound and heat sensor recordings.
So for today, life goes on as normal (normal?...) clients today, movie with girlfriends this afternoon, and then a Bru and I will travel to Jeff's for a lovely rest of the weekend! Yeah!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Things going "bump in the night"
When I came into the office yesterday I felt such a sense of "not being alone", if you know what I mean... When I walked into the reception area I found a piece of palosancho wood which is usually in the bowl in my middle room, on the floor in the "path" of the reception area. Palosancho wood, also known as holy wood, is used by shamans and holy people to conduct clearings and other sacred ceremonies. This piece was given to me by a gentleman who is studying to be a shaman and has come to my drumming circles. I use it to clear the energy of the space before we drum or have any ceremonies or celebrations. It has a very mystical feeling to be when it is burning and the scent sends me off to other lands... So, was this a message from the "ladies" of the church? Am I on the right "path" with the many new types of healing work that I am learning? I believe the natural world speaks to us and guides us if we pay attention. So I ask you, what signs have you had lately? Are you seeking to know your path? What is the universe telling you (you know - you feel it in your heart!). I believe this is the "job" of all of us human beings, to search and know our true authentic selves and to learn to pay attention to the signs along the way! Hope you notice what goes "bump in the night" for you!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Groton Business Association
Tonight is the GBA board meeting and we will be setting some goals for the year. Of course this is a business association, but as you know if you have been following My Hearts Content, everything is about energy and feelings for me and if it feels good then it is good (so to speak)... With that in mind, I am going to suggest that we take time to find out more about the businesses in our association. Sidney Moonchild, our Vice-President, is taking on the task of Web Mistress and will be listing all businesses on the website. I am going to volunteer to call at least one business a month and interview them. Then write up a short article to be posted on our website, and sent to our local papers. Hummm, that feels good, right?! Free publicity and an article written by someone (me) who has the gift of seeing the good in you!
Arrgh, am I taking on more??! Yup, looks that way...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
joy joy joy joy down in my heart...
Okay so today is really really cold. Going outside this morning to clear the side walk I couldn't help but make that "mean" face (that's what my kids used to say when I was clearly unhappy with them). I felt my eyes squint, the corners of my mouth turn upside down and my teeth clench... then I recognized the "mean" face and immediately smiled. It made me less cold. I turned my face to the sun, felt the warmth on my cheeks and miraculously joy flooded my entire being.
Wow, is the Universe good to us! Once again I feel like singing "I've got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart"... Ahhh, back on track just by noticing one little (or big?!) thing and changing the way I think about it! Hope today you take notice of one thing that may be giving you the mean face and try to think about it differently. Notice if your body feels different and if the joy returns! Hope so!
Monday, March 2, 2009
She sits under the bushes
soft, warm coat tipped with ice
words like teeth chattering
become weaker and less frequent
The prince of the north
enslaves with bitter cold
becomes part of her daily life
Listen carefully to her tales of anguish
she has taken things personally
habits of assumption she
must escape
She celebrates her uniqueness
with joy and gratitude
seasons changed
petals of crimson
splashes of white light
radiate from her center
Hide No More
With time transform
opened eyes
bright with expectations
over the border
she is now free!
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