Sunday, March 22, 2009

Cortland High School Teachers In-Service

Friday was a very busy day for me.  I was at the high school at 6:30 am setting up for sharing information with teachers and administrators about essential oils, stress reduction, and reflexology.  Then at noon they were able to experience a 10 minute foot massage and choose a lotion that fit their needs for the time being.  I used the essential oil cocktails as an example of fun and therapeutic for essential oils and how you can blend an amazing scent and have the therapeutic properties assist in health related issues...  I even had one woman share that the love lotion #9 reminded her of her grandma's kitchen and she was right back there sharing that amazing feeling of being with her grandma immediately while smelling the lotion.  Powerful thing our olfactory nerve and scent triggered memories...  

The rest of Friday was spent preparing for the first night of the ARCH certification workshop that is happening this weekend here in the church.  ARCH (Ancient Rainbow Conscious Healing) is considered a quantum leap beyond Reiki. Some folks are taking the workshop for their own healing and some of us (like me) are therapists who will be able to offer this healing modality to our clients.  I am excited to have this in my "tool bag" and I will share more about this healing art once I have completed the certification training.
Enjoy the snow this morning and be prepared for surprises!   

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