Wednesday, November 4, 2009


A few weeks ago I "saw" a woman dressed all in black (black cape and all) standing out by the pond at my new home (which is where my new office will be located mid-December). I felt like she was calling me and I felt a bit of, not really fear, but resistance. Didn't know why, but that was what I felt.

Anyway. I have seen her twice since then so last night I drummed and had a "conversation" with her. She told me her name is Elizabeth and she is mourning the loss of her husband who she saw murdered. She says she is "home". Then, when I shared this with Jim, my love, he said that he has had 2 past life regressions and saw himself murdered in one and his wife witnessing it. He also shared that he was told in a sweat lodge from a woman who channels that the wife from the past life was searching for him in this life and that when she found him he would know it. (He believes that woman to be me).

Then, this morning when I was pulling cards I got letting go (Zen tarot) and it talked about letting go of a home or something that you have identified yourself with so that you can be ready to accept the gift that is being given to you presently. As I was reading this, Elizabeth appeared behind Jim and said "The church hasn't sold becuase you are holding on to it as a safe guard, a what if, and
I am here because you are not fully here. I am holding the space but only for a little".

Could this Elizabeth be my spirit from the past? It was quite an epiphany for me when she said that I was holding the church as a safeguard. Which, of course, means now I can let it go and the sale will move foreward quite quickly.

Isn't it amazing what we learn from spirit? Such a gift!!!

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