Sunday, November 1, 2009

Time, does it really heal all wounds... only if you allow it

So interesting as I sit here and look out at the bare trees and am reminded that mother nature is beginning her slumber so that she can awake in spring, fresh beautiful and stronger!

This also makes me wonder if more of us took time to rest and be good to ourselves would we continue the cycles of pain that we have created for ourselves, or would we be able to release and awaken stronger from our patterns of pain?

I have a dear friend whom I have loved for many years and she still holds herself in a pattern of pain from a marriage that ended more than 10 years ago. 10 years of blame and hurt and anger built up inside of her. And she says, but he did (blah blah blah). And, yes it is true, he did hurt her. And I remind her, yes this is true but it is exactly what you have been talking about for a long time and how can you create a different future if you hold yourself in this vibration of pain from an experience that happened many years ago.

With that said, I then look at myself. I question myself and see if there is a place inside that may be holding me in the past, because I know that if I am having this conversation with my dear friend it is also for me to be aware and self examining. So today I take time to ask, examine, release that which no longer serves me, and then rest and I know that this will open the space for the future to be different from the past... stronger, more beautiful and fuller, just like mother nature is doing right now... leaves are gone, rest begins, the leaves which no longer serve a purpose on the trees will cover the earth and serve a different purpose, and all is well!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Ms. Janet,
    How your words just effected me right now...release that which no longer serves me for the hard part actually getting out of my own way enough to actually make that happen. No, not the dear friend you speak of but boy there are so many old beliefs I myself could stand to release to the Universe. The first one being that people are beyond imprefections...and that I am NOT in control of another's emotions or actions. I am only responsible for CAROL...that it!

    I have been in a state of restlessness all day today because of my reverting to my past fears and uncertainties...thanks for reminding me tonight that we ALL deserve a rest and that we have choices in this life...your words were needed and I appreciate them as to you my dear friend.

    Carol (me) :-)
