Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Vortex. Abraham-Hicks

Yesterday I watched the Vortex, an Abraham-Hicks DVD. If you haven't seen any of their material I highly recommend it. I have read many of their books, have watched a few videos and practice much of what they teach. This DVD is, by far, the most amazing one to date. It came to me at the most perfect moment and it pulled me out of a space of suffering that I had allowed (and yes ALLOWED) myself to get sucked into. One of the things the DVD did was remind me that our entire life is a choice. All of it. And, when we say we are not happy because of something someone else chooses, and we continue to talk about it, we yes WE alone are responsible for our unhappiness. Gosh what a truth. AND if we can all learn to resonate in that truth (Universal Truth) more than not being there, our world will go into warp speed with co-creation of a joyful, in the vortex, plane of existence.

So, please please please, watch this. I have it if you would like to borrow it, and it comes in book form and books on tape too for those who wish to read or listen instead.

Jump in the vortex today - remember how it is to feel true joy and elation at life!

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