Friday, January 23, 2009

The Economy, What Do YOU Want to Believe?

I have been listening and paying close attention to the conversations around me (duh, like this is anything new...) and I find it sad that so many people are "buying into" the idea/belief that the economy is bad, etc...  Buddha says what you think is what you become.  Another way to put this in my mind is that we are not asked to choose (from the Universe) between wealth or poverty, but to choose fair exchange for providing necessary and meaningful service.  I have read that it takes 2% of the population to change the collective consciousness so I am hopeful that at least 2% of us are not allowing what the news and the government is handing out...  Lets focus our thoughts on abundance.  Maybe take some time to think about what your idea of fair exchange for meaningful service is.  Send your thoughts here.  Choose to see life as abundant.  Choose to believe that unexpected miracles happen every day and that you are so loved and always provided for and that you can change our world by being part of that 2%.   Seeing you filled up, rather than empty is my choice!  Be well, Janet

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